Monday, December 14, 2015

27 November - Gamla & Waterfall

We had a huge field trip today! We started out at Gamla - the "city set on a hill".  It is off the northeastern coast of the lake, and it is shaped like a camel's humped back. This was a hard hike and it was SO HOT! I haven't sweat that much since the beginning of the semester. The other class went yesterday and they said it was super cold and windy...weird.

We sat in this synagogue and talked about Christ teaching in all the synagogues in the area. Chadwick loves his rocks, and Allred shared a deep testimony.

Next, we went to a supposed site of Bethsaida, which is actually not even close to being the actual place. As soon as we heard that I'll be honest, I tuned out and only caught the note on the motes and beams.  Houses would have been built with stone, and we saw some beams of houses (going across the roof). Chadwick showed us some teeny tiny rocks, almost like sand, as small as pepper flakes. These would be motes that could get stuck in your eye!!

We got back in the early afternoon, and we combined with the other class and went on a hike to some waterfalls!! We got to was FREEZING. I don't know why we did it. The sun was down when we got out so it was impossible to warm up. It was pretty though. At one point near the end, we stood on a cliff and were completely silent, and we could hear water dripping out of the rock face!!!...How crazy!! Are we in a tropical jungle or in Israel....!!??

Tiberias across the lake at night.

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