We had the most fun field trip today!! We took busses down to the City of David (it is within walking distance but...you know). We watched a cheesy 3D movie about the city and how David was the first to conquer it, and how it became JERUSALEM... basically more and more people came to live in the City of David because it was well fortified, and it got bigger and bigger and the walls were expanded into what we know as the Old City of Jerusalem today (VERY basic explanation, because today we actually have the Old City walls in addition to the City of David).
Above: below those houses in the rock face, you can see square holes where tombs used to be.
Dr. Muhlestein and his camel leather hat and our receiver-headset system to hear lectures
The view North from the City of David of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the southern wall of the city of Jerusalem
Dr. Chadwick and his Coke always in hand.

We walked through the ruins of what is most likely David's palace (they just refer to it as the "Large Stone Structure" because some people don't like using the Bible to name historical things...even though it's obvious). We saw what is referred to as the "Millo" in multiple places in the Old Testament (1 Kings 9:24, 1 Kings 11:27...) - it is a large step-stone structure that helped fortify the outer wall of David's palace. We talked about how Kathleen Kenyon accidentally dug a 10 meter wide trench through this part and ruined half of the Millo. You can see right where she went!! The nice square tower to the left there dates to the time when Nehemiah was having walls built, and there is the famous quote in Nehemiah 6:3 "I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?" So all of this was buried in 10-20 meters of Roman dump and other debris before it was discovered. Crazy, right!?

You can see here the Millo, or "step-stone structure", and behind it the square tower of Nehemiah.
Above: On the left is the trench that KK dug, ruining half the Millo.
Below: you can see an ancient toilet seat, that square piece on the edge of the shadow with the hole in it!
We walked down a ways to a portion of a wall that is dated to be built under Melchizedek's direction. Dr. Chadwick talked to us about it for a while and we all took some photos there.
There is a great spring just on the edge of the city walls called the Gihon spring. It used to run along the outside of the city to the pool of Siloam, and then Hezekiah decided to dig and underground tunnel underneath the city to the pool of Siloam so that nobody outside of the walls could get to their water source. We got to see the base of that ancient water tower. It is way underground because ground level back then (in the Middle Bronze Age II) was around 20 meters below our ground level today. And THEN! We got to walk through the entire water tunnel! In ______ it is referred to as a "gutter" but it is much bigger than a gutter. It is 5-8 feet tall in most parts, 2-3 feet wide, and had water to our knees most of the time. It was the coolest thing!!

The Pool of Siloam is where Christ sent the blind man in John 9:7 to wash his face and he would see again. They found this only a few years ago when they were digging in a street to get down to a sewage line (the large black pipe in the left of the photo), and they saw some limestone so they kept digging!
We walked through another underground tunnel...it happened to be the sewage line. That was a little less exciting, but still cool to see all these underground places! When we left, we walked past this huge excavation site!! And then driving back, we passed a checkpoint where officers were checking cars coming into West Jerusalem..!!